"You all know why we summoned you. We have a very important mission for you. We got word that demons are going to attack the Grand village. If we allow them to destroy the village......we're going to be in tormoil" said Ilux. "What does that have to do with us" asked Erik. " "If we have any kinds of problems you really think the Venator's can defeat all the demons that comes alone?" Erik grew quiet. "We need you eight to save that village at all cost." "Who's our enemy" asked Dominic. "The enemy is a Loki Demon name Azul." Ilux looked at Markus. "You had a run-in with him.""Yeah, I want a piece of him again. Now I know what he's capable of." "Even that won't be enough. Making his opponents see illusions isn't the full potential of his powers. That was just a weak version of it. His true power of that is something even more ferious." "What is it" asked Terence.
Ilux gave a slight pause before he opened his mouth. "We don't really know. Just be careful when you go against him." "How can we be careful if we don't know how he looks like" asked Ivan. "When you see me beating him into a pulp you'll know its him." "Is that it master. We need to get going." "That's it. You'll mission starts now." Neiji walked in front of Dominic. "Just because we're working together now doesn't make us friends. I will get my rematch. And I will crush every fiber of your body." Dominic gave him a smirk. "Yeah, I'll be waiting for this rematch. Even though the outcome will become the same." "Anyone know how to get to the Grand Village" asked Jarvis. "Follow me" said Ivan. Ivan Revolt Step out of the village. Everyone begin to Revolt Step behind him. "How long is it going to take for us to get there" asked Erik. "If we keep going at this pace it'll be three hours until we get there." "This going to take forever" said Dominic. "It's not going to be that long. Just don't focus so much on the travel" said Youchi.
Dominic nodded at her. "When we get there I'm going on my own said Neiji. "What for? We need to stay as a team"said Jarvis. "I have no purpose to stay with you'll. I'll take care of things on my own." "Why you........" "Don't take him so serious. I'm sure he doesn't mean it" said Dominic. There was a eerrie silence. But then Dominic decided to break the silence. "What's so special about this Grand Village that makes it different from the others?" "The Grand Village is the legendary hero who saved this world 200 years ago settled to bring about the Demon Slayers. It's said he was the very first Demon Slayer. He was able to defeat the King Of Demons. But there was another hero who helped him defeat the demon. But the one that helped was killed in that battle" said Ilux. "A hero who was killed in battle" said Dominic. Dominic gave a smirk. "So much for being a hero if you have to die." "Don't critize anything. He did more than you ever did"said Neiji. "Why you taking me serious. Learn to relax." "I have no time to relax. I'm on a mission to save the holy village." "Alright, whatever. You just take things to serious" said Dominic. "Dominic, I would have never thought you'll get this strong in a short amount of time" said Erik. "Yeah, it's pretty surprising. Since you only had your powers for a month" said Jarvis. "I had to learn quick. I didn't want to fall behnd you guys." "What is this? Celebrate cause he won one battle. Wow!!!" said Markus.
"I hope that you can stay strong in this time. Cause we're going to need all the help we need against that Loki Demon" said Youchi. "I'm the only one who gets to fight him. I owe him one" said Markus. "Whoever gets to him first will be the one to kill him" said Neiji. Markus grew an angry expression. "Who the hell you think you talking to?!?! I'll destroy you right now!!!" "You're welcome to try. I'll make sure you're dead before we reach the Grand Village." "You two calm down. We don't need animosity while we're working together" said Terence. "Alright, but after this is done we're going settle this. And I won't go easy on you like Dominic." "When he won it was a fluke. But I'm not worried about you. You can't defeat a demon. So I know that you can't defeat me." "How did I get involved in this arguement" asked Dominic. "This is going to be the worst group ever. We don't have one once of teamwork" said Ivan. "Don't worry we'll get it formed sooner than later" said Dominic. "I hope so. Cause if we don't we're going to fail this mission" said Youchi. "Let's just hurry and get there. We really don't have time to picker amongst each other" said Ivan.
They didn't say anything to each other for the rest of thier travels. It was another two hours before they reached the gates of the Grand Village. From what they can see over the gates was large buildings and trees everywhere. "So this is the Grand Village. Another Japanese looking town" said Dominic. Neiji went to Dominic and grabbed his shirt. "I'm tired of you disrespecting our heritage. But I shouldn't have been surprised. Since your blood is so diluted. A human posing as a Demon Slayer" said Neiji. Neiji pushed Dominic away from. Dominic gave him a smirk. "It doesn't seem those demons attacked yet. They might be holding off thier attack for now. So we should try to find them without alerting them to our prescence" said Ilux. "How are we suppose to do that when we can't tell the difference between them and everyone else" asked Jarvis. "Best bet is look to find something suspicious" said Ilux. "Easier said than done" said Erik. "We should split up and look. That way we can cover more ground" said Youchi. Everyone nodded their head okay. "Me and Ilux is on teams" said Ivan. They begin to float over the gate. Dominic looked surprised. "How are they able to fly like that" asked Dominic. "It's called Eagle Flight. Summon your spirit energy under your feet. You basically using your spirit energy to push yourself up. But be careful it uses a lot of spirit energy to do" said Terence.
"Me and Erik is on teams" said Jarvis. Jarvis and Erik floated over the gate."Come on Terence....it's me and you" said Markus. They floated over the gate. "I guess it's me, Youchi, and Neiji then. Who would have figured we be stuck together Neiji." "Don't take it so kindly. You're lucky this happened the way it did. Don't get in my way." "I could say the same to you" said Dominic."How did I get stuck with the two rivals" said Youchi. "Dominic, are you smart enough to use the Eagle Flight Technique" asked Neiji. "Of course I am." Dominic floated over the gate. "He does learn quick" said Youchi. Youchi and Neiji floated over the gate. They saw Dominic looking around wildly. "Why are you looking around like a idiot" asked Neiji. "I'm trying to find some demons." "Dominic, not trying to be rude.....but you looking around like that will blow our cover. ""Really, I was that obvious. I was never that good trying to keep hidden." "Learn now......I'm heading to the southwest of town" said Neiji. "What's there" asked Dominic. "Nothing that concerns you." "You don't have to be so mean." "I can sense noone else headed in that direction. So we can go that way" said Youchi. "Let's go then. It might him a little less grumpy. Since we're going where he wants to go" laughed Dominic. Neiji grew a angry grin. "Keep laughing Dominic and I will kill you." "You tried that already. And it didn't work" said Dominic. "I'll make sure to do it this time" said Neiji. They begin to walk to the southwestern part of the town.