A elderly man was in a large room with many pillars inside with engravings of angels everywhere. Their was also a throne like chair he was sitting in. The elderly man had a bold head with slick back white hair, and a neatly trimmed white beard and goatee, he wore a white Shihakusho,with black baggy samurai pants, and wearing white calf length socks with brown wooden sandal like shoes. Their was two other people in front of him. Both was African-American, but one had braids while the other had his hair lifted up. The one with braids wore a long sleeve white shirt, with gauntlets on both hands that had a large spike extended from them, he also wore blue pants. The other one had basically the same outfit except he had a black drape over the white shirt and he didn't have any gauntlets. But he had a large axe on his back. They both kneeled in front of the elderly man. "Erik, Jarvis......I have a important mission for the both of you.” "What is it Master Kanryu” asked Erik.
"I want you two to help contain the Loki. I don't need to explain why it's so important.” They both nodded their heads. "But isn't Dominic and Terence on the mission to contain the Loki” asked Jarvis. "They are....but the more help in this the merrier. And plus I don't think Dominic is that much staple mentally.” "You talking about that incident that happened two years ago. I don't think he truly recovered from that just yet either” said Jarvis. "He hasn't been the same. But that's to be expected” said Erik. "That's why your secondary mission is that he doesn't do anything out of the way. We can't lose him. He's a valuable asset to us.” Jarvis and Erik stood up. They crossed their left arm across the chest and made a fist. "We will accomplish both missions for you master” said Jarvis. "But what about the one who acquired some of Dominic's Shinigami powers? What you want us to do with him?” They both dropped their left hand. Kanryu begins to rub his fingers through his beard. A minute later he stopped. "Leave him alone. He hasn't done anything to become a threat. But if he does side with the Loki......kill him with no remorse.” "Understood” said Erik and Jarvis.
Seth was in a pitch black area. He barely could see two feet ahead of him. He begins to move around wildly. "Where the hell am I? How did I get here?” He starts to run west of him. "I need to get out of here. But just how do I get out?” He begins to run for five minutes. He stopped and bent over. He put his hands on his knees and begins to breath heavily. "There's no way out.” He looked up. He saw a swirl of darkness in front of him about 300 meters away. "What the hell is that?” The swirl of darkness then turned into a demonic claw. It headed straight toward him. His expression then turned into fear. He started running the opposite direction. After a while he noticed that the claw was getting closer and closer. "I can't outrun it. It's going to kill me.” The fingers on the claw pointed straight and sharp. It was about to pierce through his body. Seth stopped and turned his body toward to the demonic claw. He was ready to accept his fate. The claw thrust itself to him. When it was about to pierce through his body , a ray of light cast the darkness around him away. The light was so bright Seth had to cover his eyes. The demonic claw dispersed into the air. Seth tried to stare into the light. He barely made out a feminine figure before he had to cover his eyes once more. "You saved me didn't you. I owe you one.” "It's not time for you just yet. Let's see if he can handle it on his own for a little while longer” said the figure. "What are you talking about?” "Soon you will achieve the powers of that of a Shinigami. You have the one that saved you to thank for that. Soon you won't be human anymore.” "If I won't be human than what will I become? Will I be a Shinigami also?” "No, you won't be human nor Shinigamai.” "Than what will I become?” "That's for you to decide. I must go. I will see again when I allow you to get your powers.” "Who are you?” "You can call me a guardian spirit. But not only just for you. I'm also the guardian spirit of the one you will care about the most.” "You're Madison's guardian to.” The light dispersed. Seth eyes opened up.
He stood up. He noticed he was on Madison living room couch. He looked at the end where his foot was at. He saw Dominic against the wall sleep. "So I was just dreaming. But it was so real.” Dominic eyes opened quickly. He grabbed Seth's right arm. Seth right arm had dark spiritual energy emitting from it. After Dominic realize it was Seth he let him go. "So it was you that I was sensing.” "What was that coming from my arm.” "That was your spirit energy emitting from you. So it seems your powers is almost fully developed. It's happening quicker than I expected. It's only been a week since I gave you some of my powers to live.” "So you knew this was going to happen.” "Not really. I just thought that you will just live. But you took more of my spirit energy than you needed. So I guessed you was going to gain Shinigami powers. But I didn't think you was going to be this strong.” "How strong am I?” "I think you'll be as strong as me when your power develops.” "So that means that Madison won't need you once my power develops. I will become her knight.” Dominic flicked Seth nose. Seth rubbed his nose. "What was that for?” "It's my job to protect that girl.” "And it's your job to kill her if something happens.” "If she unleash Armageddon I will kill her. Why are you so protective of one person. Do you like her or something?” Seth begins to blush. "Yeah you can say that.” "You just got a little crush. You'll get over it if we have to put a blade through her heart.”
"Why are you like that? Didn't you care for someone to?” Dominic walked in front of one of Madison's window. "It doesn't matter if I did.” Dominic faced Seth again. "Don't get so attached to one person. Only bad things happen if you do.” "I don't believe that.” "Believe what you want. But if power awakens and yours do to..............will you be able to kill her in cold blood to save the balance of the boundaries?” Seth opened his mouth, but words couldn't come out. "I thought so. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your happiness to save the welfare of others.” "You sound like you had to do it before.” "I didn't.....but I know someone who had to.” "That won't happen cause her powers won't awaken. I'll make sure of it.” Madison came from the back of the apartment. She came in with droopy eyes. Dominic and Seth faced her. "Looks like someone just woke up” said Seth. "The only reason I woke up is because you two idiots was talking so loud.” She looked toward her house phone. Their was a red flashing light. She went to it and picked up the receiver and put it toward her ear. She press two bottoms and the phone begins to ring. She paused for a moment and then pressed a button. She the pressed the speaker phone button and hung up the receiver. "Hey Madison this is your mother. I should be back home by tonight. I hope you have our home clean. I can't wait to be back and see you. It's been a three week since I saw my little girl. When I get back I want you to tell me everything that been exciting these past three weeks. Speak to you more when I get home.” Madison pressed the end button. A glow of excitement grew on Madison face.
"My mother finally coming back home. I can't wait until she gets here?” She begins to jump up and down. "Why are you so excited for. It's only your mother” said Dominic. "Madison's mother is always away cause she's a CEO of a big time company. So she's always away on business.” "What about her father.” Seth went to Dominic and started to whisper in his war. "Her father died when she was young. He died from protecting her and her mother from a criminal that tried to break into their home and rob them. And the criminal killed him and ran off. The police never caught him either.” Seth backed away from him. Dominic shrugged his shoulders. "Seth, you have to get ready to leave. Cause I have to make sure the apartment is ready by the time my mother gets here.” "I understand. I needed to head back to my house anyway.” Madison nodded her head. Seth left out of the apartment. When he closed the door behind him he held his right arm tight. A swirl of black spiritual energy emitted from his right arm. Two minutes it stopped. "What's going on now? I can't seem to control it much longer. My powers is spiraling out of control now. So this is how Shinigami powers are awakening. This sucks. But soon I will have the power to be Madison's knight. Then we won't need Dominic any longer. I'll be able to protect her with my own two hands.” Seth begins to head home. Madison was cleaning the apartment and Dominic was watching her. "I can feel something is wrong with Seth. What is it? And I know that you know.” "His powers are awakening.” "His powers......you talking about that dark energy.” "Yeah, he'll be able to wield the power of darkness. One of the two strongest elements a person can wield.” "What is the other element that's the strongest?” "Light.” "Have you ever met someone who wielded light?” "Yeah, I did. But that person is dead.” "How was someone who holds one of the strongest elements die?” "Someone else comes around and kills them. Simple as that. There is more to fighting than just having one of the strongest elements.” "Well, I don't really care cause my mother is coming home” said Madison.