Saturday, 2025-02-01, 7:00 AM
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 A long ride down a dark highway with no one but me {Jay} and my brother {Josh}. We are taken a trip looking for a get away home from the family. After driving around for about nine hour we find a town called Missing Falls about  21 more miles down the road. I started to get a little sleepy after 18 miles i turn and look at my brother, his knock out sleep. My eyes started to get heavy i can't stop my head from dropping just as i almost run the car off the road Josh garb the wheel and smack me. I slam on the brakes and pull over Josh gets out the car " wow you hit something" said wit a smile. I quickly get out the car and seen something in the road and see Josh walking to the object. I feel like something bout to go wrong and tell Josh lets just go, he turns and look at me and say"really brah" as he reach for the object. He say it look like a dog with in a second it was a black mist that goes into his nose Josh falls i run towards Josh and ask him is he all right. He gets up and shake his head and reply I'm alright lets get out of here bro. In the car ride to this Missing Falls place i look at him and ask have you hear of a Missing Falls before. " Hell no" Josh reply we been in VA all our life and never hear of this place before. We arrival in Missing Falls with in a few more hour and pull at the first gas station we find it was a BP and i notice a hot girl working in the store and hop out, ' I got the gas brah with a big smile on my face". I walk in the store and ask for 80 one pulp one and her name and number she smiles and say "its not that easy boy". I smile and ask for her name she say call me Nicola and you are, I'm J just J nothing else. She laugh " wow that's it ok well u need something else J". I look at and said "maybe you can show me around tonight if you wont to" she reply " eight don't be late". I smile and run to the car Josh looks at me and say" you dick next one mine" we laugh and pull off. We driving around for a while longer before we find a little perfect house a white house with three bed rooms and two bath we call and get the guy to show use the house. After looking around the house we buy it for the next three hour we rent thing for the house i look at me phone it's 7:30 damn i got to go i said to Josh. I grab the keys and pull off i get their about 7:57 and pull on the side wait for a minute before going in. As i walk to the door she comes out well lets go I have to go home and change clothes first" she say to me. So you drive that white kia I laugh and say no the Hummer. She looked with a surprised face and say really you ballin huh i smile and say I wish as we get in the car. We get to know each other better in the ride to her house she like me know we are going to the club tonight. As we pull up to the house she say i can come in and sit in the living room it we be a few minute before i be ready. I look around at the picture on the fire place and ask her is she a other child do to the family picture she say yea i just move here two months ago my self I'm from N.C. She walk out the back with a small gold shirt with black tight pants. I smile and say, where to next; she say to the club lets go as she push me out the door. As we ride around she show the town on the way to the club.The town is very quiet at night she explains to me. We arrival at the club i park around the side where there is so many car tell me the club is jump-in. After a few drinks and hours of dancing we  leave and get something to eat at a local Denny's. After we eat and more talking of getting to know each other i drop her off. As I drive down a long dark road my eyes is pulled to the window as a pair of soul stealing eyes look at me back. As i finally look back at the road i slide to the right to evade a car think i need to get to the house. I finally pull in the driveway the house is dark i open the door, "Hello" i scream out by no answer. My brother must be gone some where i say to my self as i  make my way to the living room and pass out on the floor. After six hour i awake to blue lights and guns in my face and than thrown to the back of a cop car. They take me to the police station about a few block from the house. A room with the brightest light ever in my face two black cops come and sit down and ask me question about where i been last night, I reply with the true and tell the every thing and ask why the hell is it there business any way. They throw pictures of a dead girl on the table so much blood can see the face so i say so what that got to do with me. One say hear name is Nicola Johnson found early this morning when someone hear her scream for help. I face drop that cant be i feel like i just dropped her off, one over the cops say so you was the last person to see her a live. With so many question flow though my head all i can say is no i had nothing to do with that before they can answer.We hear a shots go off they run out and leave me in the room after a few minutes of sitting i look out the door every cop is dead but on as he look at like he was saying help. As i begin to move out the room a person with no face pick he up and rip his arms off and throw him in to the floor and a white smoke like comes out and goes into the dude. He turn and walks towards me i try to run but unable to he picks me up by the neck and throws me in to the wall i hit me head and just before i pass out i see he walking towards me  and black out.
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